Work work work... Thats all my life is now. My house is like my office and office like my house cause i spend more time in office than at home. Client giving me so much work that I'm gettin tired..very very tired. I need a holiday but then won't get one for a while.Contemplating leaving the company... I know I have only been there for 2mths but then unless something is done i will crack sooner or later.
Besides that.. I guess things are alrite. Still single. Still lookin but no time..
:( Anyone wanna intro a chick to me.... Come on PPL!!!! HELP ME!!!!
Thats all for now.... will update more often if I can..nites
Yes, and i thought i would be the only one whining about work+life in the world of happy, passionate bloggers. So if it's any comfort to you, i too can relate to how you feel about work insidiously takes over life.
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