Monday, December 20, 2004

Sg Trip

During the weekend I went over to SG to attend Julia's Wedding. She was my housemate from UK and one of my bestest and dearest friend. We've been through a lot during our years in Sheffield and she was the one who pulled me out of the dark hole which I was digging for myself. Without her I think things could have been really really different for me. 

My Best Friend

Anyway she is now officially married to Caled whom she has been going out for nearly 7 years. The ceremony was very interesting. Began with a normal procession. The exchanging of vows. All the normal stuff then there was a presentation by Julia's Sunday school kids which was nice. She eventually joined them and started dancing to it which I thought was nice. 

Juls and her Sunday School Kids

At the end Caleb had a surprise presentation for Julia. He played the violin to her and we were informed that he had never ever showed her his violin skills. He was good and I'm sure she was touched. 

Juls & Caleb

After the wedding ceremony I went walk around sg which was nice as I really needed to catch up with some friends ie tuan, jason, huiqi, dorcus. We went to the city for coffee and just chatted about the good days and the huiqi and dorcus had to leave as they needed to 'pan lengleng' for the dinner later in the day. So the guys just hung around and walk around the IT mall to see what there is to buy. One thing i realise in sg is that Ipods are a big thing. They are everywhere and they are given free when you buy like a pc or sign up for broadband. Why oh Why Malaysia dun have this kind of stuff? I want an Ipod....Anyone out there nice enuff to get me one? 

Dinner was very interesting as it was held in a museum - Asian Heritage Museum at Empress Place, just across the river from Boat Quay.  

Boat Quat At nite

The dinner was held was buffet styled and was mostly asian food. hmm I just realised why the food wasn't chinese...cause it was an Asian Theme. Here are a few photo's of the dinner 

3 Muskateers - High on alcohols

Juls And Caleb Entering the Dining area

Walkway to Main Hall

Dining Area

Nice table Setting

Flower Arrangement

Dinner was nice. Got a bit high but then after that went to meet tuan, chellie and paul across the river. Just sat around chit chatting and enjoyin the scenery. Boat Quay is nice at nite. A lot of ppl just sitting around hanging out. Then went to McD to just grab a bite to eat. Sat awhile then went home to get some well needed rest.  

Tuan, Chellie,Myself & Paul

Tuan, Chellie,Myself & Jason

Isn't She Lovely.. Too bad she is engaged

Anyway I just wanna wish Juls & Caleb all the best and hope their life will be filled with love and happiness. Love you 2 loads. Caleb if you hurt her in anyway we will all come and look for you. 

Oh before i forget I won't out on friday with my dear sis Szes. Had a good time just hanging out with her and szephing and also leuk. Went for japanese buffet and then just walked around suntec and raffles. She was nice enuff to bring me around to look for a xmas pressie for my parents. Well thanx szes. See ya in Ipoh  

Mui and Me

Mui and her lil sis

My Lovely Sis

Leuk and Me


Blogger Amanda said...

My goodness.. Julia look soo... Sooo grown up! Couldn't recognize her.. Did you pass her my Congratulations?

10:52 AM  
Blogger dezy said...

Holy Pants!

Well I only just realised that you had a blog. Then whilst reading through it, I now realise that you now don't wear glasses! Now I find out that Julia actually got married!! It's toooo much to take in!!!

Anyway just wanted to compliment you on your blog - it's very well done and there's a neat arrangement with the text and photos which breaks up the monotony of just text (like mine!). I guess it would also help if we had a digital camera!

Oh and Yin Ping wants an Ipod too! However she does have a MP3 player that she was bought in Singapore so she really shouldn't be so ungrateful!!

10:44 PM  

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