Thursday, July 15, 2004


Virus attack!! Feeling like shit. Could be the drinking from the nite before. Having headache, fever, gastric - sounds like I'm coming down with FLU.
To make things even worse, the company network and servers has been infected by virus. I'm already feeling like shit but still had to bloody look into the problem. Scanning servers, figuring out why the network is going up and down. Looking for a new hub. This were so bad that it escalated to the higher end of the hierachy. First to MIS manager of Malaysia and Singapore and then to the director of MIS for AsiaPac. Then when Holland office started working, their MIS called me. Wow... we are in deep shit. Being the temp MIS in Malaysia office I had to do all the work tryin to figure out what is wrong. No one else was willing to help out or just didn't bother. I'm starting to feel overwhelmed with MIS work. I have other stuff to do at the same time, QA work which I manage to look into. I'm gettin paid shit while doing 3 persons work. I need to leave.
You must be wondering why I can still manage to do this with all the commotions happening around me. Well I've just pulled out the network cables for the so called infected machines and scanned them. Screw them. Will continue on them tomoro. Need to get more rest as I'm still feeling like shit. Going home now. Bye


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