Tuesday, August 03, 2004


I feel like an old man. My back aches especially near the kidney. Whats happening to me?
Got my medical results back. Everything is ok except that my bad cholestrol is on the high side and my liver test came up high as well. Could be due to the alcohol I consumed the week prior to the medical checkup. Oh and my white blood cells is a bit over the limit. Doctor said it could be due to the fact I was sick. Dunno lah..... Just remembered, sugar level also above the recommended level. Hmm lookin at this list it seems my results are actually not ok.
I think I need more exercise. I shall try to wake up early to go joggin.. thats my resolution for the 2nd half of the year. Jogging. Knowing me I'll prob break it within the first week or should I say I won't even start. Who's willing to go joggin with me...lets say 7am.


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