Wednesday, January 05, 2005


Just had to get this out of my mind. Damn frustrated. Why does it seem to some that I am not going to amount to anything? Do I really seem to be such a lazy person that cannot achieve anything in life? Do I take life to laid back and am I not serious enough? Must I actually work like an ass day and nite to change that perception. 

Just because I did Network Marketing and stop halfway, does that clasify me as a quitter. The reason behind this is cause I have this friend who instead of encouraging me, was discouraging me when I told him what I planned to do. He was questioning me on my commitment and also questionin my finances. Oh come on lah, I know everything needs commitment and at times money but then as a friend instead of discouraging me he should have encourage me but just warn me of the problems that I might get into. Sometimes I wonder whether I should be less encouragin to my friends and bloody just think of myself. Ish I am so pissed off. I'm so frustrated on this matter.  

Anyway I'm just going to ignore what was said to me and do what I think is right. As ppl always say, Just try it, you are young, no harm, if you fall you can always climb back up with the help of family and friends... Thats all for me venting my frustration on this issue. Life goes on and I shall succeed to show everyone who has ever doubted me.  


Blogger alvint said...

i know wat u mean but then in life one needs encouragement... especially from close friends.... and this is a close friend. Would u be happy if i was the one who discourage u.

Anyway screw it.. dun care also lah me.... life goes on..

9:45 AM  
Blogger dezy said...

A simple friend thinks friendship is over when you have an argument. A real friend knows it's not friendship until you've had a fight.

2:10 AM  

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