Disappearing Act
Hmm been a while... still alive and kicking. Been busy with work. Falling sick now and then due to work stress and also cause of the stupid haze. Anyway just a short note. Will write more when i am more free. Ciao
Why is life so full of mysteries?
Why we are here or more importantly, why am I here? Do we actually find the true reason we are on earth.
Is life just about finding a job, building a family, buying a house and car?
Why do birds sing every morning?
Why does a rainbow appear after it rains?
Why Why Why!!
swirl here
g e e k c h i c �®
For the heck of doing it
mein kamph
Jonathan Poh Web Designer
Keonz Liquid Metal Hut
Looking Through.........
the hedonistic perspective
Samandesther's blog
==== tattY teddY's taLe ====
gizmodo - techno blog
The Hustler Diaries
Noodle Pie
~ ...iLLuSiOnS oF LiFe... i WiSh UpOn A sTaR ~
confessions of a ditzy bimbo
jennicheung.com - just wait till you see what's next
The Black and White Blog
Tragic Kingdom
w w w . s u i l i n . c o m v 2
w w w . x e s . c x
Official Website
Rice Bowl Journals
The Star Online
posted by alvint @ 7:26 PM 3 comments