Friday, October 29, 2004

I Wanna Go Home

Currently at a customer site in Bukit Raja. Waiting for them to deploy changes into the live system.. Said they would do it at 12, then say at 2 and now still waiting..I'm so bored. Can't they hurry up. HURRY UP!!!

Friday, October 22, 2004


8 and half years.. Thats how long I have led a single life. A carefree life. One which I do not have to report to anyone on what I do or where I am. I can do whatever I want and go wherever I wanna go.
Its been a good 8 and half years and I do not regret a single minute of it. Of course during those years I have had my share of courtship, rejection and dates but then I guess I am destined not to be attached. Its part of life anyway. One that everyone goes throught.
I do not deny that there were times which I sometimes miss having someone beside me when I see my friends with their partners but then when I see them arguing I realise that I happy where I am.
But now I have come to a stage where I think it is time for me to find my soulmate and life partner. The only problem is, its not an easy thing to do in this day and age. For one I don't go out much compared to my younger years and because of this I dun meet new people. Secondly I'm lost for words when I am with a person of the opposite sex unless I am close to them. And then there is the problem of having no guts to actually approached someone I am interested in. Dunno what to say and have the fear of rejection.
There are so many girls out there and yet it is not as easy as pointing a finger and saying "I want you to be my soulmate". One big factor is I'm not the tallest or most handsome person. I'm just your average joe that has a tummy due to my constant beer guzzling when I just started working.
Anyway enough of my random topic to babble about. Have to get back to work. See ya all and wish me all the best in my quest to find my soul mate.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004


Graduation day is always a day full of joy and happiness. It is the time when one is considered well prepared to dwelf into the working world. Ready to turn the page of a new chapter in life. Ready to face the real world, a world of new challenges and opportunites. Ready to tell the world that I'm here and here to stay and I won't break but instead would break you. Ready to be remembered as someone who made a difference.
Yea right. I was never ready and am still not ready. I've yet to find a job that I like. Actually I've not found what direction I should be heading towards. Although I graduated with a Business Information System degree (non programming background), I ended up being a programmer cause it was the first job offer I received. I jumped in immediately without even thinking whether it is what I really wanted to do. I said to myself that why not give it a try and if things dun work out quit. So I gave myself 6 mths to figure things out.
That was 4 years ago, with a blink of an eye it I've been doing this for all these years albeit with 2 different companies and 2 takeovers. Everyday I've trouble waking myself up. As much as I try to find a reason to raise my enthusiasm of work, I can't. I've hated every moment that I've been as a programmer.
I have decided to find a new job. Its not going to be easy as there is such a large influx of IT graduates every single year. Everytime I apply for a job in jobstreet I see that there would be at least 100 other applicants. I'm have like 1 out of 100 or 0.01% chance of getting the job. Sometimes I think that I chosed the wrong field of studies. Maybe I should have stuck to my innitial dream of going to chef school but I guess it is never to late to do it that is if I have the cash to attend classes. Too much responsibilities. I have till mid april to pay off my car loan and once that is done I can use that money to attend classes but then when I am done with paying of my car loan I'm suppose to start thinking of purchasing a property. I dunwan to start too late but then....I'm young I wanna enjoy.
Anyway if anyone out there is hiring or looking for a business IS grad. I'm available for interviews. Preferbly a non technical job ie no programming. Relocation overseas would be considered. Email me anytime to arrange something or if you want a copy of my cv please leave a comment with your email.

Monday, October 18, 2004

Show Me The Money

Main Entry: mon·ey
Pronunciation: 'm&-nE
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural moneys or mon·ies /'m&-nEz/
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: Middle English moneye, from Middle French moneie, from Latin moneta mint, money -- more at MINT
1 : something generally accepted as a medium of exchange, a measure of value, or a means of payment: as a : officially coined or stamped metal currency b : MONEY OF ACCOUNT c : PAPER MONEY
2 a : wealth reckoned in terms of money b : an amount of money c plural : sums of money : FUNDS
3 : a form or denomination of coin or paper money
Why do we need money? Why is money so important? Why can't one be happy without money? Why is everything getting so much expensive?
Where does all my money go to? It always like this.. I get my pay and after like a week I seem to be like out already. Why is that so? Not as if I buy a lot of things? Not as if I go out a lot but then it seems to happen every month. Broke. No money.
Anyone got any idea on what is happening? Anyone know of what I should do? Anyone know how to make more money? Does anyone know a lucky number I should buy so I can strike it rich?
Before I end, let me quote a few line from one of my favourite movies. It goes like this:-
Cuba Gooding Jr (Rod): That's what I'm gonna do for you. God bless you, Jerry. Now this is what you're gonna do for me. You listening?
Tom Cruise (Maguire): Yeah, yeah, what can I do for YOU, Rod?
Cuba Gooding Jr (Rod): It's a very personal, very important thing. Hell, it's a family motto. Now are you ready? Just checking to make sure you're ready here it is -- show me the money. OHHH!!!! SHOW! ME! THE! MONEY! Doesn't it make you feel good just to say that, Jerry? Say it with me one time brother!
Tom Cruise (Maguire): ....Show you the money.
Cuba Gooding Jr (Rod): Oh, come on, you can do better than that! I want you to say it brother with meaning! Hey, I got Bob Sugar on the other line I better hear you say it!
Tom Cruise (Maguire): Yeah, ye - no, show you the money!
Cuba Gooding Jr (Rod): AH! Not show YOU! Show ME the money!
Jerry Maguire: Show me the money!
Cuba Gooding Jr (Rod Tidwell): Yeah, that's it brother but you got to yell that shit!
Tom Cruise (Maguire): Show me the money!
Cuba Gooding Jr (Rod): Louder!
Tom Cruise (Maguire):SHOW ME THE MONEY!!
So people here is my wish for the day :-
"SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!!!!!!!!"


Friday, October 01, 2004

4 become 3

The day of reckoning is arriving. The day I would be out of a job. Slowly but surely the team is dissolving from a mere puddle waiting to evaporate into the clear blue sky.
There were 14 of us. Then it became 10 and then 6 and then 4 and now it will soon be 3. One of my colleague just resigned. Everyone's moving on. Finding a new job, a new group of friends. One day I would be alone. Alone again and would have to start all over again to get accustomed and build meaningful relationship with new people. I do dread that day cause in the 2 years I've been here, I've grown comfortable with my surrounding. I will miss the times we go out as a group for dinner, drinking. I will miss all the goofing around and the chats on msn that we have. *sniff*
I will miss those who have left. I will continue to cherish the good times. I will make sure we keep in contact.
I wanna thank you all for the good times and I wish you all the best in your future undertaking. GoodBye my dear colleagues!!