Saturday, September 17, 2005

Back in Ipoh

Finally after nearly 2 and half months I am back in Ipoh. This I think has been the longest that I have nvr been back since I completed my studies. I miss Ipoh but most importantly I'm back to see my parents cause 2 and half months is a long time for me not to see them.  

Been so busy with work. Just got confirmed but dunno if I should be happy or sad. The reason for this is cause now I am required to give 2 mths notice if I ever decide to leave the company. On the bright side, by being confirmed, I guess it shows that I didn't screw up in a major way for the first 6 mths or not I dun think they would have confirmed me.  

Have just been given responsibility to another account for the company. I'm proud that they have faith enough on me to pass it to me but sometimes I just wonder whether or not I can take the pressure. Really need to work hard but it is not as if I haven't been. I need to give 200% now.  

Anyway this weekend would be rest, rest, rest and also spend time with my parents. Thats it for now. Will be back in a months time. HAHA. till then adios...  

p.s. for those who do not know yet, I'm finally attached =)