Hi all! How is everyone doing? Been a while since I blogged. Due to my laziness and work, I have not been really that bothered to come in and blog.
Currently I'm at Red Box Sunway with a few of my colleagues and of course my other half. And yes I am surfing within Red Box. The first and only karaoke that I know with Free connection. Since they are singing chinese songs I might as well blog a bit.
Anyway just an update on whats been happening in my life. I've been very busy trying to figure out where my life is leading to. Although i've been in this company for a year, I have not been able to figure out the direction i'm headed to with this job. I do enjoy the job but can't stand the clients. I know that its part and parcel in this line of work but still....
Due to all the unknown direction I am headed (even my dad says me missing a direction) I've decided that I want to continue with my studies. First wanted to go study pattiserie but then after some soul searching, i've decided to do MBA which would be a better choice. NOw comes the biggest hurdle (no i'm not leaving eunice in Malaysia cause she also wants to continue with her studies) which is MONEY!!! I need to find some means to actually fund it. Thinking of some study loan but if anyone out there is willing to sponsor/loan me I would be truly grateful... ;)
As for my relationship with Eunice, although there's been ups and downs, I'm hapy that I have her in my life. Its not a rosy rosy relationship but this one relationship I cherish with all my heart and will work hard to ensure that it works. Can't see her not in my life. (hmmm mushy mushy...keke)
They are still singing chinese songs. Sad.... eunice likes to sing mandarin songs. Damn I wish I could sing but till the day i learn mandarin it will nvr happen. Another 30 mins or so and would have to leave. what to do after this?
Well this is all for now. Til next time. Take care and God Bless (hopefully the next time I would be writing for aussie ;) )